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Style Swap – Netherlands vs Indonesia

Episode 4

Do you think you are completely free from all the beauty standards?  

I bet you are not. The way you put on make-up, the way you dress yourself, and the way you view your appearance are all in the set frame of beauty standards. And what shapes the beauty standards? The culture. The culture shapes the beauty standards, and the beauty standards shape our appearance and our beauty lifestyles. We all follow beauty standards in some ways, but we don’t recognize how we are influenced by it because we have lived our whole life with beauty standards of our cultures. It is the part of your life. Are you curious how much beauty standards depend on cultures? Well, “Style Swap” is here to cure your curiosity. Style Swap will explore all about beauty around the world: beauty standards, cultures, and trends. In each episode, two students from very different countries will meet and trade their typical make-up and fashion. But they don’t only trade make-up and clothes, they trade beauty standards and cultures hidden in their styles. 

Come and join the beauty exploration with Style Swap! You will also learn more about other cultures.

In this episode, we will dive into the cultural differences and explore the beauty standards in two countries, namely The Netherlands and Indonesia. What is a day-to-day outfit for a boy in Indonesia? What are the cultural differences compared to The Netherlands?