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Advanced Tip: Broken does not mean a one-way street to the garbage!

Issue #03

Today we want to present to you again a new tip for advanced users. If something is sustainable, it is durable, long-lasting, environmentally friendly or even reasonable. Many people also simply mean “doing the right thing”. The term sustainability is therefore very diverse and needs a definition, for example, repairing is better than throwing it away. 

The best solution for your broken equipment and clothes! 

Do you know it? 

At the beloved wool sock knitted by grandma the fat uncle peeps out. Your printer, toaster or hairdryer gives up the ghost. The carrying strap of your favorite handbag is torn off. But now straight into the trash with the good piece? No, not necessary! 

Broken does not mean a one-way street to the garbage! 

The solution is the Repair Café. Thanks to the initiative of Martine Postma, who is committed to sustainability in various ways, the first Repair Café was held in Amsterdam in 2009 with great success. Also, in Spain, one can almost say THANKS to the economic crisis, a rethinking has taken place. Repair Cafés have been established there as well, next to flea markets. 

At regular dates you can register at the Repair Café. With the broken piece in your luggage, you will find good advice and help with repairs from volunteer experts there. And all this in good company with coffee and a snack. For each area there is someone to repair it yourself. 

Whether textiles, furniture, electrical appliances, bicycles or other items of daily use. Maybe you turn out to be an expert for something and can help. Tools and materials are available. So you can not only keep the garbage mountain small, but also save a lot of money. Granny’s sock is preserved. And the toast tastes a thousand times better if you remember how you brought the toaster to new life.  

Wouldn’t it be a great thing to organize a repair café yourself? 

First you have to find people who know about such repairs. This could be done by posting notices at different places, for example at the university, in the Green Corner, in cafés, etc. Maybe someone knows retired craftsmen. Next you have to find a suitable place. Usually the meetings take place in a café or pub. There you meet e.g. once a month and repair your defective part under the guidance of the experts. If it is indeed irreparable, it could still serve as a spare parts store for others. You could also upload videos for “standard repairs” on YouTube.  

Have heart! Go to the Repair Café and repair it yourself! 

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