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The Agency

The Agency

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From: Creative Business Profiles / Fast Track


The Creative Business program prides itself in having real-world projects with strategic partners and other companies. Our students produce ground-breaking content, business proposals, and advice that have proper value in our society. One thing has been missing: A dedicated Agency run by students to streamline the projects and creative direction. We want you to build this agency from the ground up including four departments connected to all four profiles: A Creative Unit, a Production House, a Marketing Department, and a Business Development Office.

Introduction The Agency

[INSERT YOUR TEXT HERE] – This agency needs to be built from the ground up by students for students. You will control the business development side of this project. Your business plan will be the starting point for this unique agency. You will have to brainstorm the mission, vision, culture, workflow, organizational structure, and more. All we ask is to keep in mind four distinct departments: Creative Unit, Production House, Marketing Department, and Business Dev Office. Oh, and this agency must execute actual briefings to make it a proper business. You might see this as a meta-assignment that benefits you and future student batches going into Profiles. You set the standards, you will pioneer, YOU ARE THE AGENCY!


We want to build a strong student-partner community and involve ourselves in the cultural life and the local environment around us. In order to achieve this, we want you to build your own Creative Agency that oversees these projects and executes interesting briefings as well. You are the young creatives that the industry is looking for. Now take matters into your own hands! As students you have the unique opportunity to learn, be creative and build a digital agency at the same time! To make sure The Agency is embedded in our program we ask you to include and make use of existing infrastructure that is part of CB like: the streaming platform, our Film & Broadcasting Studios, the newly constructed Podcast Studios, and our best creative ateliers.


Our target audience is two-fold. We must on-board and include future students of the Profile-semester to become part of The Agency. Given that The Agency is for and by students, they need an active say in our organisation and how it operates. As pioneers you will need to think of a structure which makes this possible.

The other part of the equation are the strategic partners, companies, and clients we will work for. We need you to involve them in the creation and governance of The Agency. How can we streamline the workflow with teams working on numerous briefings at the same time? How can we give clients a say in our processes? How can we make strategic partnerships that benefit both The Agency and our real-world clients at the same time?

Content Deliverables

  1. Set-up/Business plan of the organization with marketing perspective.
  2. Creation of organizational structure including the four departments.
  3. Market research and analysis of the marketing environment.
  4. Target group/persona analysis with focus on B2C and B2B.
  5. Project plan including a Timeline, Stakeholder analysis, Project workflow, feasibility study.
  6. Marketing strategy for new business idea incl. Strategic goals.
  7. Advice on revenue models.
  8. Finished measurable, substantiated business plan for new business or start-ups.

In addition, a Creative Agency cannot exist without taking on actual briefings and creating campaigns, content, pitches, and advice. So, parallel to building The Agency, you will focus on producing value for external partners. What form this will take, will be in discussion with the module coordinators.

Creative Freedom

It is important to us that our creatives feel they have as much creative freedom as possible. We want the Agency to be unique, meaningful, and with proper growth potential without limiting your creativity!