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Review section: How to Live Plastic Free: A Day in the Life of a Plastic Detox

Issue #06

Nowadays, the minimalist lifestyle has been becoming more popular, but not everybody is living sustainably in the right way. Since if people litter immoderately, a lot of plastic waste is discharged into our environment. In my opinion, ‘How to Live Plastic Free: A Day in the Life of a Plastic Detox’ by Marine Conservation Societyis the detailed companion while starting to live a zero-waste life. 

How to Live Plastic Free: A Day in the Life of a Plastic Detox is not a book against plastic. Because it does not advise readers to go back to the Stone Age and make people think of plastic as a mortal enemy. It has a whole chapter saying about the importance of plastic and we can see how great it is when used in the right place, in the right way. The book mainly tells a story in daily life whilst reducing plastic consumption in an open-minded way. Therefore, readers can recognize their daily basic that full-filled with plastic things and be more attentive to convenient objects that harm the environment.  

We must be so familiar that we do not realize that, since the moment we were born, most of what we have seen were made of plastic. And we are so accustomed that we no longer wonder: Are these items necessary? Where does the plastic material come from? Where is the end when they finish their work? Sustainable living is not comfortable, so people need fortitude for not giving up the eco-friendly lifestyle while following it. 

Each chapter covers a diverse circumstance, like sports, the lavatory, or the office, and gives particular proposals on how to helpfully swap out plastic for more eco-friendly options. It also gives curiously chronicled data on different things, like running shoes, toothbrushes, etc. Moreover, many useful tips were provided for people to enjoy their weekend or holiday vacation without plastic. However, the book may not be comprehensive since it does not show us everything. In some sense, it is not scientifically in-depth, but its spirit is genuinely wonderful. 

To sum up, no matter what lifestyle you follow or care about, ‘How to Live Plastic Free: A Day in the Life of a Plastic Detox’ is a book you should read and share with your family and friends. We cannot do big, great things with scientific inventions and innovations that recycle or process and save the oceans from plastic. Still, I believe that by practicing the little things in this book, we will contribute to curbing the torture of Mother Nature with these stubborn, long-lived plastics. Living sustainably is not that hard!  

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